Sonya exemplifies a heart of service. She and her husband (pictured above), along with their children, are intentional about serving others and have been active in serving through Single Parent Provision since day one. As a family, they serve at the Single Moms Christmas Dinner each year, and Sonya has helped with almost every aspect of the event. Over the years, her hands have been part of: childcare, photography, greeting,check-in, serving, decorations, promotion, along with helping with the months of preparations leading up to the event.
Beyond that event, Sonya’s heart is present in many things we do throughout the year. She has helped make calls of encouragement to families connected with us, giving her time to share what naturally oozes out of her…love. She delights in (and is really good at) praying for others, encouraging others, and spilling her full cup out to those around her.
Sonya, thank you for being a friend to Single Parent Provision and using your gifts to impact families in our community. We love you!
Published April 2018