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Meet Lindsay

Within minutes of speaking with Lindsay, it doesn’t take long to see her greatest joys are her kids, her job, and God. Lindsay is immensely grateful to be the proud mother of four amazing kids - one son and three daughters.

Her single parent journey began when she gave birth to her oldest child shortly after she graduated from high school. She recalled having no idea what she was doing, and after enduring abusive relationships, she put herself in counseling. “I tried to do what was right. I was young and lost. I was not where I wanted to be, but I was getting where I needed to be.”

Some 14 years ago, Lindsay landed a job she loves with a company she’s still with. In the early years, the nature of her CNA position wouldn’t allow her to be part of her children’s school activities, and she was often on call. As she’s advanced in her career, her current position provides the flexibility to be present at school activities and other functions. And while there is a part of her that feels bad she wasn’t able to be present for her older children the way she can be now for her younger two, she says, “I am blessed.”

“I try to be thankful for everything that I have.” Lindsay often prays in the car on the way to work. Recently, all she could pray was “Thank You [God]. I’m all by myself and they are too; thank You for being there and that they are cared for and covered; without You, I know they wouldn’t be ok. I’m so grateful that I have You.”

“I’m still growing; because I don’t know it all, and I still fail…HE gives me grace. I’m not worthy, but HE tells me I am.”

Lindsay and her oldest son on his high school graduation day!

Lindsay attends a SPP Single Moms Group which she says has done wonders for her and is very therapeutic. “Why do I get so emotional every time?!” she says. Laughing at the irony, Lindsay shared that when she first began attending group, the kids would complain about having to go with her. Now that Groups are taking a break during the summer months, they miss it!

Lindsay wants other single parents to know “Even though you feel alone, you are not. There’s always someone going through the same thing - or worse. Don’t give up, because you have someone depending on you, watching you, and growing because of you – you are what they see; whatever battles you are fighting, they see that you are trying. I take that very seriously.”

“Keep moving even when it’s hard; don’t give up; fight for what you believe is right.” When it comes to faith, she would encourage to do what it takes to grow by taking time every day to pray, even if it is 5 minutes, and to let yourself grieve whatever it is you need to grieve.

For those who are not single parents, she offers: “It’s not easy or fun at times, but we are trying. Show compassion – recognize that she (or he) is great with all that [they carry] because they are TRYING.”

“I’m making it [because] of God’s grace; God shows up on time. Everything is coming together as it should. I’m not worried. I know God is helping me.”

“God sees me…sees them…sees us.”

Lindsay, thank you for sharing part of your story. Your determination and faith are an encouragement to many!

Published June 2024

2041 Grand Ave | Suite D

West Des Moines, IA | 50265


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